Canceling the 2020 season

It is with great sadness that we announce that we will be canceling our 2020 concert season this summer. Like so many of our colleagues around the country, we are faced with a situation that we’ve never seen and our decision is essential to keep our singers, volunteers, and you, our audience, safe. 

We have great plans for our 25th Season, and we are optimistic about bringing these to you in 2021. And even though we will not be gathering to perform for you in 2020, we will not be strangers this summer, either, so please keep an eye on our Facebook page, and join our email list.

This summer was going to mark our celebratory 25th Season, which included a first-of-its-kind Sensory Friendly Concert in collaboration with community partners and educators, run-out concerts to senior living facilities, and our 6th-annual Young Composer Competition. While we are deeply disappointed to make this decision, we are also optimistic about our triumphant return in 2021.

In the months to come, we will continue to be in touch. We will be providing digital content to your inbox and on social media, and when the time comes, we will ask for your help to keep our organization strong with your financial support. You make everything we do possible, and we thank you for making The Summer Singers a tradition every year.

Summers in Minnesota are filled with family and friends, trips up north, celebrations of all kinds, and for over 25 years, a cappella music. We promise you we will return, stronger than ever – and with full hearts, together, we will help bring hope and joy back to our troubled world. 

We will leave you with the words from our commissioned piece by Joshua Shank from our 20th Season:

“There is despair,
There is hope,
This is why we sing.”