““These things that make us dream also make us sing.””
The Summer Singers could not bring you exceptional a cappella concerts on a free-will donation basis without the generosity of our Sustainers. Sustainers make a three-year financial commitment to the organization allowing us some financial consistency from year to year. This continuity was especially critical in the choir’s early years.
Starting in 2022, The Summer Singers will begin to evolve how we view giving. While more changes are to come, the first of these changes is how we want to emphasize our givers. We want to celebrate givers who have supported The Summer Singers by their longevity and highlight their lifetime monetary commitment to the quality and excellence of the ensemble. One-time givers will be included in the “1-4 years” category because we want to acknowledge and thank all the people who made the 2022 season possible.
If you are interested in supporting The Summer Singers, please visit our donate page or email info@summersingers.org.
Thank you to our SUSTAINERS AND donors!
Bold text denotes $2,000 or greater of lifetime donations.
10+ years
Sandra & George Anderson
Jean & Gary Blosberg
Judy Boylan
Joan O’Donnell & Bob Bradt
Harold G. Brown
Donna & Patrick Coleman
Myrna & Jerry Collingham
Duane Esterly
Karen Gabrielson
Anne & Lee Hage
Dee & Wilfried Hein
Jean & Wayne Hulting
Glenda & Hugh Huston
Helen & Tom Lockhart
Dianne & Duayne Malewicki
Mary & Dave Nickel
Libby Nickel & Brandon Baker
Kirk Nelson
Marybeth Nelson
Linda Neuman
Pam & Dave Peat
Linda Perry
Betty & Phil Schmalz
Stephanie & John Sulzbach
Charles Upcraft
5-10 years
Andrea & David Afdahl
Anne & Jim Afdahl
Kate Biederwolf
Peder Bolstad
Mary Bydlon
Carolyn Caswell
Patrick Coleman
Paul Dalton
Cam Dehlin
Ann Dostal
Rosemary Dosch
Jennifer & Brian Dusek
Camille & Russell Adrian
Ken Duvio
Lori & Tom Evans
Cheryl Friedrichs
Mary & Jeff Frush/Frush Family Foundation
Louise & Morris Grotheer
Pat & Bill Gurnon
Evelyn & William Halverson
Bonnie Hanson
John Hanson
Kathleen Hartzler
Steve Heaton
Margaret & Jack Janzen
Jan & Roger K. Johnson
Tanya & Mark Kirschenman
Rebecca & Ron Nystuen
Lisa Sinclair
Mary & Ed LeClair
Patricia Martinson
Mahlon Piper
Vicki & Scott Peters
Robert Peterson
Jeffrey Rawitsch
Carol Rue
Dana Skoglund
Jeff Tunseth & Suzanne Wiebusch
1-4 years
Janet and Dean Anderson
M. J. and Jeanine Anderson
Richard Arey
Naomi Baer
Kathyrn & Richard Beatty
S. P. Brown
Sharon Bullford
Dean Christopherson
Claire Coleman
Judy and John Cooper
Mark Countryman
Molly Cox
Ingrid Dai
Michael Dai and Gail Engstrom
John and Peggy Denham
Miriam Devery
Britt Dougall
Mary Engelmann
Paul Erickson
Gene & Nora Flaten
Peder Flaten
Susan Flynn
Joe Forman
Craig Freeman
Mary Furman
Jean Greenwood
Thomas & Diane Haines
Gregory & Kathryn Hart
Lynda Hirschboeck
Susan Holmen
Tom Holton
Julie Hooker
Adam Irving
Laurie Jacobi
Brenda Jeffery
Larry & Judy Jeffery
Jennifer Jensen
Jinny Jensen
Paul G. & Mary L. Johnson
Steve Tobin and Lana Johnson-Tobin
Ellen Merlin and Jim Leuthner
Jamie Koblas
Britt & Patrick Laeger
Sandra & John Laeger
Jan LeClair
Virginia Lindow
Margaret & Dr. Daniel Lister
Cotty Lowry
Jessi McKinnon
Sheila Murphy
Theresa Nelson
David & Carol Nordli
Taji Onesirosan
Joyce & Gregory Peterson
Margaret Hirt and Anne Pherson
Timothy & Mary Breen Pieh
Dave Piper
Rachel Pritchard
Taylor Quinn
Philip Rickey
Ken Rodgers
Kathy & Patrick Romey
Anne Schaak
Laverne Schleicher
Gerry Schmidt
Carol & Thomas Shelly
Jeff Tengwall
Judy Thrawl
Kathy Vessells
Betsy Watson
Rita Webster
John Weingart
Kathryn Wilson
Luis & Joyce Windsberger-Rubio
Donna Jeanne & Larry Wipf
Lois Young
Laurie Zaepfel
Kirk Hoagland (in memory of Cheryl Skoglund)
Judith & Leland Kampinen (in memory of Ramona Johnson)
Corporate Recognition
Amazon Smile Foundation
Best Buy
Emerson Electric Co.
Thrivent Financial Funds
Twin Cities Tax
United Natural Foods